Happy Roots Fall Services

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Please fill out the sevices form below and Happy Roots will contact to schedule the services you selected.  Thank You!

Full Name
Street Address
Zip Code
Home Phone
Cell Phone
E-Mail Address
Double Aeration (1.5 X Normal Cost)
Fall Fertilizer
Winter Fertilizer (Mid to End of Oct.)
E-Z Wet Soil Penetrant - Granular Aeration
Over Seeding (With Aeration Recommended)
Sprinkler Blowout (October - November)
How Many Sprinkler Zones Do You Have?
Fall Yard Clean-up (November)
Weed Control - Spray
Lawn Edging
Lawn & Sprinkler Consulting ($30 Per 1/2 Hour)
Other Services
Preferred Date of Service


Check out our Prices.


Lawn Tips
  1. Aerate in the spring and fall to get air, food and water deeper into the root zone of your lawn. Aeration is very important in the Denver Metro area since our soils are mostly clay. See Happy Roots Lawn Aeration
  2. Fertilize regularly.  Get on a program that feeds according to the seasonal needs of your lawn and applies the 4 lbs. of nitrogen per 1000 s.f. per year required for Blue Grass.  For best results in the spring and fall aerate before you fertilize.  See Happy Roots Fertilizer. 
  3. Water properly.  If you don't, then the money you put into aerating, fertilizing and other services will be wasted.  Watering, aerating and fertilizing work together.  Don't set your clock in the spring and ignore it until winter.
  4. Add soil amendments to break up clay during aeration and fertilizer treatments.
  5. Sharpen mower blades 3 times per year to help prevent disease and to improve asthetic appearance.
  6. Edge your lawn.
  7. Mow at 3-3.5" at least once per week.
  8. Have Q's. Ask Happy Roots.  Happy Roots Contact Information 
  9. Check out "Make the most of your aeration".Happy Roots Lawn Aeration
  10. Don't power rake Blue Grass.  It is not necessary.  If you feel the need to get rid of dead grass, just mow your lawn an inch lower than normal for it's first mow of the season.  Power raking only benefits grasses that spread with rhizoms.

Happy Roots - Lawn, Sprinkler, and Landscape Service - Thornton, Colorado
-All Rights Reserved-